
Sigma mega man
Sigma mega man

It is so powerful that nearly any foe in the game can be felled in two well-placed uses of this attack. Nova Strike: While equipped with the Fourth Armor or the Ultimate Armor, X is able to store up energy from the damage he takes to charge up this attack, which launches him into a flying tackle that destroys all normal enemies in its path and grievously injuring stronger foes.His special weapons have a limited number of shots, but this can be averted if composite X is used, as the fourth game's iteration of the Ultimate Armor eliminates energy costs. He can be pacifistic to a fault at times. Weaknesses: X is powered by sunlight so remaining without it for extended periods of time could prove dangerous (though he has large reserves). He is also an extremely capable marksman and has some experience with a sword as well as hand-to-hand combat. By Mega Man Zero he has almost two hundred years of combat experience and wisdom and is a charismatic and effective leader. Intelligence: Skilled at quickly adapting to tasks and combat situations, and is a quick learner, extremely logical, competent investigator, experienced in stealth and espionage. Light's Armors which he can summon at any time | Mother Elf | X-Buster, Maverick copied weapons, Dr. Standard Equipment: X-Buster, Z-Saber, Maverick copied weapons, Chips, Sub Tanks, Guard Buster, Scope Buster, Limit Buster, Fire Buster, Ice Buster, Thunder Buster, Gatling Buster, Aero Buster, Brave Buster, Turbo Buster, Dr. Tens of kilometers with projectiles (Generated a shockwave this far)

sigma mega man sigma mega man

Superior to Zero's Cyber Elves which can affect an entire 36,000 km tall tower) | Standard melee range. Planetary with the Mother Elf (Eliminated or cured every Maverick on the planet almost instantaneously. Hundreds of Kilometers with certain weapons (Superior to Rock) | Standard melee range. Stamina: Essentially limitless (At least on par with Zero, who could fight for 16 hours straight and still managed to tank Eurasia's collision and a fall from space without a scratch) | Limitless due to being a Dark Elf wielder | Essentially limitless Striking Strength: Solar System Class | Solar System Class | Planet Classĭurability: Solar System level (Tanked hits from Lumine and his paradise lost attack and can create black holes with himself at the focal point) | Solar System level (His durability is greatly enhanced) | Planet level (Survived blows from Vile and Sigma, concentrated a blast capable of atomically annihilating Japan with only a damaged buster) Lifting Strength: At least Class T (Much stronger than Rock and Proto Man) | Class Z (Should be comparable to Omega & Zero era Zero) | Class 10 (Can lift futuristic vehicles) Could keep up with her and Omega during the Elf Wars) | Speed of Light (Fought on par with Zero, who can swing his Z-Sabre at the speed of light) On par with Zero) and travel speed with teleporters (Superior to Classic Era Teleporters which could travel interstellar distances) | Massively FTL+ (Wields the Mother Elf which could do this. Speed: Massively FTL+ combat speed (Superior to Rock. Defeated Omega alongside Zero during the Elf Wars) | Planet level (Defeated the General, who's dying body stopped a laser from the Death Flower, a satellite that would destroy the Earth) Regeneration ( At least High-Mid going by the manga)Īttack Potency: Solar System level ( Able to generate black holes with output enough to bust planets & stars, far stronger than Gravity Antonion and Gravity Beetle, helped defeat Lumine, who destroyed a star) | Solar System level (His power has combined with that of the Mother Elf, who could turn civilian Reploids into deadly combat-types on par with X himself.

Sigma mega man free#

Name: Mega Man X (But is most often just called X)Īge: Mid-Late Teens to Early Twenties (A.I.) | Over 200 by Mega Man ZeroĬlassification: Pre-Reploid Automaton with Free Will (All Reploids are based on his basic structure), Maverick Hunter, Mother Elf Wielder, Founder of Neo Arcadia

sigma mega man

Unfortunately, the noble Maverick Hunter Commander Sigma went rogue after being infected by the Maverick Virus contained within Zero's capsule, forcing X to take to the battlefield to defend humans and Reploids from the ever-growing threat. Cain, the archeologist who discovered X's capsule, attempted to further this dream by creating a line of robots based on X's design, making X the proverbial father of all Reploids. Light's Magnum Opus and the successor to the original Mega Man, he was designed to be able to have completely free will to bridge the worsening relations between humans and robots. Mega Man X, usually referred to simply as X, is the eponymous hero of the Mega Man X series.ĭr.

Sigma mega man